Detailed Description of the System
Pest Eradication
Drone System
Cornell M.S.AAD
2023 Summer Semester
ARCH 6110
Sung Ho Synn
Pests in cities disrupt citizens' sleep, create discomfort, and occasionally transmit infectious diseases. As the effects of climate change continue, the damage caused by pests to citizens will increasingly worsen.
To address this issue, the drone system travels through the gardens and parks of each community in New York, exterminating pests before they move into residential areas. The drones utilize simple experimental devices within their mechanisms to identify the age and size of pests and transmit the necessary information for future pest eradication to government agencies.
The pest eradication system utilizing drones has been proposed to enhance the residential environment of Manhattan citizens by eliminating pests within the city of New York. Drones assigned to each community in New York City depart from the community centers and navigate through parks and gardens. The drones travel around each park and garden, sucking up pests found in reservoirs and trees, and then proceed to a waste management facility to dispose of the carcasses.